Ordering By Phone-Payment Terms-Shipping-COD Orders-Refused Shipments-Freight-Returns-Special Orders-Custom Parts-Claims-
Manufacturer’s Rights-Guarantee and Liability-Foreign Country Orders- Prices.
Phone orders can be placed through our order desk during our business hours 9:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday at (570) 275-1411. You can also FAX orders. Our number is 1-800-303-6741.
If you have questions regarding the selection of parts for your particular installation or if you have tech questions we will be glad to assist you.
Orders may be paid with money order or credit card. Deposit is required on some complete custom built chassis and chassis kits. On items over $500.00, deposit may be required.
When ordering a full chassis, a limit on a credit card will be allowed in addition to guaranteed funds.

We will ship by the most economical carrier. Most orders in the continental U.S. are shipped U.P.S., Federal Express, and others.
On selected C.O.D. orders, certified check or money orders may be used. No personal checks will be accepted.
All expenses resulting from a refused shipment, regardless of reason, will be the responsibility of the customer. Notice will be sent regarding this amount and it wil be carried as a balance due. Further shipments will not be made until Auto Weld is reimbursed for the expense.
All merchandise shipped by truck must be paid in full before order can be shipped.
No merchandise will be accepted for returns without prior authorization. All return shipments must be prepaid. A 20% restocking charge will be applied to all returns. No cash refunds. No returns accepted 30 days after invoice date.
All special orders must be 100% prepaid. All special orders are non-returnable, non-refundable. Example: (All housing and axle combos.)and (all custom mandrel bent frame rails)
Because we are a manufacturer we make virtually any kind of part or component.If you, the customer, have an idea, we would be more than happy to quote a price.
Claims for damages or lost merchandise are to be made to the freight carrier. If you receive a damaged package or a package that looks like it has been tampered with, make a written note of this to the freight carrier when you sign for receiving the package. A verbal note to the driver is NOT SUFFICIENT! Carefully open and be SURE TO SAVE THE DAMAGED CONTAINER AS VISIBLE PROOF. This is the first thing they will ask to see. Notify the local office of the freight carrier ASAP (within 48 hours). Claims for shortage of merchandise, (other than lost items), are to be made to Auto Weld within 5 days of receipt of order.
Auto Weld Chassis and Components, Inc. reserves the right to make changes in design or to make additions to, or improvements upon, any of its products at any time without incurring any obligation whatsoever to install the same or improve upon products previously manufactured.
Merchandise is guaranteed free from defects in material and workmanship. We will replace or repair, at our option, any product found to be defective subject to our inspection and approval. USER SHALL DETERMINE THE SUITABILITY OF THE PRODUCT FOR IT’S INTENDED USE AND THE USER SHALL ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND RISK IN CONNECTION THEREWITH! Auto Weld Chassis and Components, Inc. and its employees will not be liable for any personal or property damage caused by the use or misuse of any product we manufacture or sell.
All orders are to be prepaid in U.S. dollars. Because of recent unlawful activities abroad….No
payment by any credit card will accepted as payment outside of the lower 48 states. Must be paid by Money Order,Certified Check or another guaranteed method. Money orders are preferred. Freight orders must be prepaid.
We offer special quantity and discount prices for businesses, but you must provide adequate proof such as letterheads, tax license photocopy, etc. Dealer pack available upon request. Prices are subject to change without notice. Quantity discounts encouraged. Club discounts will be considered.
A purchaser of any part or service from Auto Weld is referred to herein as a “Purchaser”. Auto Weld manufactures Racing parts, equipment, inventory and services which are purchased by persons ACTIVE IN AUTOMOTIVE RACING and installed in AUTOMOTIVE RACE CARS and other high performance vehicles. Purchaser understands, recognizes and acknowledges that all parts, inventory, and services manufactured or sold by Auto Weld are EXPOSED to many, VARIED and UNFORESEEABLE uses and conditions when installed and used in RACING APPLICATIONS and that, as a consequence Auto Weld can make NO promise, warranty, affirmation or representation as to its future performance of its parts under RACING conditions.
As further consideration for PURCHASER using Auto Weld parts, equipment, inventory and services, Purchaser acknowledges that, due to differing conditions and circumstances under which all parts and equipment are installed and used, Purchaser is not relying on Auto Weld’s skill and judgment to select or furnish the proper part or equipment. Purchaser expressly affirms, after evaluating competitors’ products, that Purchaser is relying on Purchaser’s own expertise, skill and judgment to select, purchase, and install suitable goods relative to safety and durability and Purchaser assumes all risks associated with the performance of Auto Weld’s parts.
Because of their intended usage, Auto Weld makes no warranties whatsoever, expressed or implied, oral or written, to purchasers of their products regarding performance, safety, merchantability or length of service. Purchasers are responsible for the selection of proper goods and must rely on their own skill or judgment that such goods are suitable for purchasers’ application.